You gotta read this book, it will change your life!
by Markus Pfeiffer
I have updated a few small things on this webpage. These are probably not very obvious. I am still fiddling on details, fighting with CSS and my Racket code.
The desire to make these changes came after, I happened upon Butterick’s Practical Typography.
Why did I not read this before? Like many miracles and appreciations in my life, typography comes late. I am happy that I discovered it.
Please bear with me while I experiment with different tweaks, and maybe updating some posts on this site. Here are the few I made recently.
- I removed underlines from links. Let’s be honest: Matt is right on this one. To make links recognisable in text, I added a little link symbol using CSS and a hover response
I removed the little icons from the text.
They seemed like a good idea at the time, but are distracting. They do not interact well with my link change above, and the following change
I added a way for me to put punctuation in pre-defined links, like so.
I noticed in Matt’s writing that he puts punctuation before the little link symbol. I very much think that is the correct way.
Note that I am not claiming that everything is good with the site. It will likely never be. I made some improvements.