by Markus Pfeiffer
I used to be a resarch fellow in the School of Computer Science at University of St Andrews.
Rumor has it that was funded by the Royal Society, though these rumors might be overblown.
I was previously funded by the Horizon 2020 OpenDreamKit Grant, and the EPSRC.
I am interested in
- computing stuff about semigroups and groups using transformations, permutations, matrices, and presentations, or by exploiting geometric and combinatorial properties, through automata or formal languages
- building better programming systems to compute stuff by using (dependent) types, proof assistants, formal systems, logic and category theory
Projects and Collaborations
- Search in Permutation Groups, with Rebecca Waldecker, Chris Jefferson, and Wilf Wilson,
- Constructing Majorana Algebras, with Madeleine Whybrow,
- Computational Methods for Hyperbolic Groups, with Alan Logan, Colva Roney-Dougal, and Derek Holt,
- Parallelisation of Computer Algebra Algorithms, with James Mitchell,
- Combinatorial Semigroup Theory, with Alan J. Cain and Tara Brough.
- Interactive tools for Discrete Algebra, with my student Manuel Martins.
- Dependently Typed Computer Algebra, and building better computer algebra systems. In particular I am intrigued by Idris and MMT, but have moved to using Racket for programming in that domain.
- 2016–Felix Schmoll, Type inference and analysis of GAP code
- 2016–Kawthar Ali, MMath dissertation
- 2017–Lucas Jones, Schreier-Sims for GAP and HPC-GAP
- 2017–Victor Vasyliev, Math-in-the-Middle system
- 2017–Alasdair McIndoe, Parallelised Semigroup Enumeration
- 2017–Daphne Bogosian, Algorithms for Hyperbolic Groups in GAP and HPC-GAP
- 2018–Kirill Rodriguez, Chinese Remaindering for Linear Equations over the Rationals in GAP
- 2018–Daphne Bogosian, Joint-Honours Project: Solutions to Equations over Free Groups
- 2018–Kirill Rodriguez, Machine Learning Methods for Finitely Presented Groups
I am a member of
- the Algebra Group,
- the Functional Programming Group, and
- the Artificial Intelligence Group.