
by Markus Pfeiffer


My primary email addresses are

markus.pfeif­fer [at] st-an­
markus.pfeif­fer [at] mor­

My Jabber/XMPP contact is

markus.pfeif­fer [at] jab­ber.mor­

I have a PGP keypair. The fingerprint is

C4FF 7374 28DC BA26 3779 B916 887F 5D71 DE04 9D52

My github.

My current office address is

Of­fice JC 0.11

Uni­ver­si­ty of St An­drews School of Com­put­er Sci­ence Jack Cole Build­ing North Haugh St An­drews Fife KY16 9SX

Unit­ed King­dom